


The document communicates new features, modules, and major changes in the release of Synergy Workforce version
It also documents any known problems and workarounds if present

About this Release 

This release includes new features introduced within Synergy Workforce, includes general bugs fixes found in previous version as well as overall system optimisation.

Product Compatibility

  1. Windows Server 2016 and above
  2. SQL Server 2016 and above
  3. .NET Framework 4.8 or higher
  4. ISS 7.0 and above
  5. Synergy App - Android 5.0 and above / iOS 8.0 and above 


Synel Hosted servers updated automatically on a scheduled notified date and time.
Local installations/Self Hosting - Software upgrade file provided on demand.

Features and Improvements

      1.  General
          Status Column - Changed from switch to relevant Text in multiple screens across the system.  

      2.  Employee Self Service Widgets
          Virtual Clocking – Option to start/end Activity swipe against Client and Client Site (Field Client can be renamed as Projects as well)

Project/Activity module license must be enabled for above feature 

      3.  Graphical Scheduler  

          Option to turn on/off short date option for the calendar within settings

             If switch turned ON, day and dates will look something like below:

             Additional options added within settings:

      4.  Global Scheduler
         Removed predefined Date Range on all tabs to make it more user friendly.

          Settings allow following additional options:

       5.  Fire and Attendance Report

              All the existing and new options moved to new Tab called Attendance / Fire Report Settings within Menu - System Setup – Options

           Display IN swipe only in both Fire and Attendance report
              Option to include manual swipes in Attendance report

            Exclude Virtual Clocking and Synergy App swipes from Attendance report
              Send Muster and Evacuation report (Access Control) automatically via email

      6.  Flexible Contracts
          Flexible Contract feature added that allows defining variable contract length i.e., Minimum 7 days, 10 Days,  14 days, 28 days, 30 days etc.

          Flexible Contract Report added under Reports – Time Sheets

      7.  Cost Centre Reports

          By Cost Centre - Daily Cost Centre Report – introduced additional switch that displays uncalculated day swipes (blocked Swipes)

      8.  Virtual Clocking

          Option to start/end Activity swipe against Client and Client Site (Field Client can be renamed/used as Projects as well)

Project/Activity module license must be enabled for above feature

      9.  ANPR Module

         Car no plate screen – Additional column and field “Vehicle Group” added

          ANPR Event Screen
            i. Option to show/hide columns

          ii.  Option to allocate unknown vehicle no. plate to visitors in the system

        iii. Option to view Vehicle that are currently On-Site or Off-Site. If on-site, it also displays the parking no allocated to the vehicle
      10.  Project/Activities Module

               Daily Activities Screen
                  i.  Option to select Client and Client Site when adding Activity manually

                  ii. Option to amend the client and client site recorded against each activity

      11.  New Synergy Home Application - Android 4.2
              Improved GUI.

      12.  Software Security Improvements

             i. Password Reset Currently password reset option can allow spamming the recipient’s email account.

              Therefore to prevent the spamming, system will allow max “5” passwords resets per day for same username or email address inserted.
            ii. User Enumeration User enumeration was possible through forgot password screen.

              Therefore, now system will show the same message regardless of input in the field and whether the username or email address is valid or not

           iii. Secure Cookies   ".ASPXAUTH" and "ASP.NET_SessionId" cookies are secured now.

           iv. Multiple Login - System a llows same user to login multiple times on different browsers

             However, now system will send an email notification to notify the user when new sign-in is detected

             v. Anti CSRF Tokens - A nti-CSRF tokens are now protected against cross-site request forgery attacks

            vi. Log OUT Log out will now invalidate the session on the server so that intruder cannot reuse it.

            vii. Auto Logout Optional to turn the feature off auto logout for monitoring screens

     13. Payroll Export

            Additional payroll export format added called Micro Payroll Export

      14.  Synergy App  

           Separate messages appears on screen, depending on the conditions when scanning QR code for the respective location

                     a.  If QR code of location is expired – “QR Code has Expired. Please try again with valid QR Code” message will appear for the user

                     b.  If employee is not permitted to swipe on location – “You are not permitted to swipe at this location” message will appear for the user.
      15.  Salto Emergency Cards

            Added improvement, system allows adding up to 20 Emergency Cards that can operate the Door handles during emergency and when devices are OFFLINE

Known Bugs and Limitations



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