Temperature Kiosk Setup

Temperature Kiosk Setup

      This document briefs detailed information on Temperature Kiosk setup on both Synergy Workforce GUI and Temperature Kiosk Device

Device Homepage

            Top Information Bar:
            The time information bar will automatically synchronize the server time and day of the week.

            Camera Screen:
            The camera screen is displayed in full screen, and the recognition result is displayed when passing through.

            Bottom Information Bar:
            The company name, number of people, photo, MAC address, IP address and version number will be displayed.

            Company Name - The default is to set the company name, which can be set through the background.

           Number of people and photo information - The number of people refers to the total number of people in the device, and the number of photos is the number entered in the face database,                           which changes automatically after synchronizing data.

            MAC Address - Mac address information of the current device.

            Version Number - The current version number of the client.

            IP Address - Displays current IP address of the device
Device IP must be set to Static IP address.
            To set static IP address, you must connect physical USB mouse to one of the USB ports on device.
            Next right-click on mouse (will prompt to insert password. Default Password = 123456) and close the application.

            Next go to Settings – Connections – Ethernet – change from DHCP to Static and Insert the details and save

Setup on Synergy Workforce GUI

      Go to System Setup – Devices  

      Click on  Add device

            Type = Synel Finger and Card Device

            Utilisation = Select from Time and Attendance, Access Control, Time and Attendance + Access Control depending on the transactions required for respective module. For Visitor Management                  only – select Time and Attendance.

            Device Type = Temperature Kiosk

            Time Zone = Respective Time Zone for the device

            10 Digit buffer switch = ON

            IP Address = IP address of the device (or Public IP address on the router in case of Port Forwarding)

             Device Port no = Respective port no of the device based on Port forwarding rules if applicable

      Next go to Temperature Kiosk Settings Tab


           Password = Set Password for the device.
           Company Name = Information is displayed on device
            Relay Mode = set desired value (Only applicable if device used for controlling door access)
            Relay Delay = Set desired value
            Similarity Check = Default value 80%
            Live Portrait Recognition = select desired value
            Logo = Select image from the pc to be uploaded and displayed on the device
            Remote Operations = To restart the device and open relay if necessary 

            Body Temperature Detection = Turn ON/OFF

            Body Temperature Alarm = Turn ON/OFF

            Body Temperature Alarm Threshold = set desired amount for the alarm and email notification to be triggered. Insert the email addresses of the recipients separated by comma.

            Compensation Temperature mode = select either Automatic or Manual. If manual selected, User would get further option to set desired compensation amount

            Scene Selection Mode = select either Indoor or Outdoor

            Mask Detection = Turn ON/OFF. If turned on and person not wearing mask detected, system can send email notification to the recipient inserted in the box

            Fan = Turn ON/OFF

            Stranger Detection = Turn ON/OFF. If turned on and person not detected as stranger, system can send email notification to the recipient inserted in the box.

            Stranger Record Storage = Turn ON/OFF

Save settings once done.

Send settings manually by clicking Sync Settings for each individual device

Setup on Device

      Setup on device is not required, as most of the settings are derived from Synergy Workforce GUI.
      However, if you still must make changes on device itself – You will need to connect wired USB mouse with middle button to one of the USB ports on the device

Device Administration

      Click the middle mouse button to pop up the password input box and enter the default password: 123456 to enter the settings page.

      Application password settings

Enter the original password, new password, confirm the new password, and save it to modify the password; the password length limit: 1 -6 digits, cannot be set to blank.

Application management

      Enter the Application settings page, which contains the following function settings:

      Device Name


    Body temperature detection

    Control body temperature detection function. You can choose to turn on or off, the default is on.
            On: During the identification of personnel traffic, the interface will display and broadcast the body temperature value after the face is recognized.
            Off: During the recognition of personnel traffic, the outline of the face in the interface is automatically hidden. The interface will not detect body temperature after the face is recognized.
    Compensation temperature

    Automation: When the ambient temperature may affect the detected body temperature, the compensation temperature can be set to adjust automatically.
    Manual operation: The compensation temperature value defaults to 0.0, and the setting range is 0 ~ 1, and a maximum of one decimal can be reserved.
    "+ (Suitable for normal or low temperature conditions)" is selected by default:
      Example: Set compensation + 0.3, if the temperature is 36.1 when detecting and recognition, the broadcast result will be 36.4.
    “ -(Suitable for high temperature conditions)" is selected:      
      Example: Set compensation -0.2, if the temperature is 36.8 during detection and recognition, the broadcast result will be36.6.

     Scenario selection

     The indoor and outdoor scenes can be switched. When the outdoor environment is selected and the compensation temperature is in automatic mode, the device will automatically calibrate the            detection results according to the ambient temperature.
     If the manual mode is selected, the detection results will be displayed after the manual input value is calculated in both indoor and outdoor scenes.

      Temperature mode

      You can choose to switch between the primary screening mode and the fine screening mode. When the initial screening mode is selected, the fast detection and fast broadcast mode are       implemented in each face recognition.
      If the fine screening mode is selected, the temperature will be continuously measured and calculated every time the face recognition is completed, and then the temperature measurement results       will be displayed and broadcast.

      Alarm threshold

      Set an alarm threshold to control body temperature detection. When the body temperature alarm is turned on, the identified body temperature exceeds the threshold, and an alarm is issued. The       default is 37.3(The default value of Fahrenheit is 99.14), and only numbers between 30.0 and 45.0 (The Fahrenheit range is 86 to 113)can be entered, and up to one decimal can be reserved.

      Body temperature alarm

      Control body temperature alarm function. You can choose on or off, the default is on.
      On: When the detected body temperature is higher than the threshold, the interface displays the body temperature and emits an alarm sound; if the body temperature is lower than the threshold,       there will be no alarm.
      Off: No matter the body temperature is high or low, there will be no alarm.

     Temperature unit

      Celsius degree: After selection, the temperature measurement interface, pass record, and export table will display the temperature value in XX°C format.
      Fahrenheit degree: After selection, the temperature measurement interface, pass record, and export table will display the temperature value in XX℉ format.
      Celsius degree +Fahrenheit degree: After selection, the temperature measurement interface, pass record, and export table will display the temperature value in XX℃/XX℉


      On: After selection, the temperature measurement module fan of the device operates normally.
      Off:  After selection, the temperature measurement module fan of the device stops running.

      Mask detection

      On: If you do not wear a mask for recognition, the display style will be red background after recognition, and no passage is allowed. Please wear a mask. The voice broadcast "Please wear a mask";       wearing a mask can be recognized normally.
      Off:  Does not detect whether to wear a mask during recognition.

      Stranger mode

      On: After the selection, the stranger can also open the door normally after face recognition.
      Off: After the selection, the stranger cannot pass through the recognition.

     Stranger record

      On: After selection, each stranger's face recognition will generate a recognition record in the pass record.
      Off: After selection, no recognition record will be generated each time the stranger faces are recognized, even if the stranger mode is turned on immediately.

      It is used when checking the pictures into the warehouse.
      The higher the threshold is set, the lower the requirements on the pictures.
      It needs to be set reasonably. The default value is 17.

      Number of recognitions
      The number of times to identify whether a person is an already-entered person, the default value is 3.

      Living portrait detection

      Whether to enable live detection when recognizing personnel can be set to on or off, and the default value is off.

     Start - The application will start automatically when it is turned on, and it will not start when it is turned off.
      Application daemon

      The application will automatically jump back to the playback interface within 30 seconds after opening the application page when opening, and not automatically when closing.

      When the camera is turned on, an abnormality occurs and the camera restarts.

      After setting, the camera displays or hides the bottom information bar in full screen display.
      Default: display, which can be set to show or hide. 

      Set the effect of face recognition, including the display when the recognition is successful (the default value displays the image) / when the recognition fails (the default value is turned on the red           light), the fill light display (the default value of the three-color light).


     Set the camera resolution when performing face recognition. The default value is 1280 * 720.Screen-saver brightness setting.

     Screen Saver

     When face recognition is not required, a screensaver is required. After recognizing a face, jump to the home page.

     The app starts to display the homepage, there is a face recognition homepage within 30s, and no face recognition screensaver within 30s.

      Adjust the brightness value displayed on the screen saver, drag the set value, and save it.

      Set the device restart time: hour-minute (default value 03:00) and 24-hour system. If you choose to restart, the device will automatically restart at the selected restart time. If you choose not to       restart, it will not restart. The default value is to restart.

      0 -  indicates no automatic closing mode, that is, it will not automatically close after opening the relay, the default value.
      1 - Indicates automatic closing mode (high effective-default low level, then high level for X seconds, and finally low level). That is, after opening the relay, a delay of X seconds will automatically close.
      2 - Indicates auto-close mode (active low-default low level, then high level for X seconds, and finally low level). That is, after opening the relay, a delay of X seconds will automatically close.
      Delay time - The default unit is 5 seconds and the maximum value is 63 seconds.

    Application initialization

      The application initialization function will clear all data in the application and restore it to its initial state, including user login information, entered face information, access records, and settings in the       application settings.                                       

      Display application and terminal system related information.

     The face database page can view the face database information of the current device.
     The list will display the name, identity, expiration date, type, and pictures.
     Records can be deleted, and local personnel can also be uploaded to the background.

    Pass recognition

     It can be identified based on the person's identity.
     You can also check the body temperature of the identified person, whether to wear a mask, and display the identification results.
Enrol Face Template

      All population starts recording their Face as a stranger on device.

It is important not to wear a mask at the enrolment stage.
A person is recorded as a stranger only when device displays Picture captured and the message ADMITTANCE appears.
The display of the temperature alone does not confirm the recording as a STRANGER.

      User of the Synergy Workforce GUI will need to associate the Stranger to correct employees/visitors within Temperature Panel Screen

Temperature Kiosk Maintenance Screen

      Go to Menu – Maintenance – Temperature Kiosk Template screen
      Screen allows to identify who is enrolled and who are still pending to be enrolled
      Screen also allows deleting the existing template against employee
      Same screen also allows updating devices with employees and their templates so that next time they get identified as Employees and not strangers

      Click on icon to update all or individual devices with all or selected employees’ templates.


      Once synced, Person who was identified as stranger on device and later enrolled on GUI, when they scan their Face again on device it will show their name instead of ADMITTANCE on the device.

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