Synergy App Guide

Synergy App Guide

1.  Installing Synergy App
       Android Device
      Go to Play Store on device and search for Synergy App on the store.  

         Click on the application to install

       iOS Device      
      Go to Apple store on device and search for Synergy App on the store.

       Install the application

2. Permissions

      After the application has been installed, Synergy App will ask various permissions on the phone to allow performing various operations


User must allow permission to enable Camera, if they are going to use any of the below functionality:
1.      Expense Management – Take pictures of receipts when submitting expenses
2.      Field Management – Take pictures against the Job assigned
3.      Time and Attendance – Enable Camera to scan QR codes
4.      Activity Module - Enable Camera to scan QR codes
5.      Access Control Module - Enable Camera to scan QR codes
       Picture and Videos

User must allow taking pictures and videos permissions, if they are going to use any of the below functionality:
1.      Expense Management – Take and store pictures of receipts when submitting expenses
2.      Field Management – Take and store pictures against the Job assigned
      Location Services

User must allow location permission , if geolocation tag is mandatory with every swipes

3. Location Settings

 Depending on the requirement, Location Service on both Android and iOS will need to always Turned ON
       Android Device

              1.  From a Home screen, navigate: Apps > Settings > Location.
                  If unavailable, navigate: Settings > Security & Location.

              2.  If available, tap Location.

              3.  Ensure the Location switch is set to on  .

               Examples screenshots from Samsung Galaxy S9         

       iOS Device

              1.  Go to Settings > Privacy > Location Services.

              2.  Make sure that Location Services is on.

              3.  Scroll down to find the app.

              4.  Tap the app and select an option:
                    a.  Never: Prevents access to Location Services information.
                    b.  Ask Next Time: This allows you to choose Always While Using App, Allow Once or Don't Allow.
                 c. While using the App: Allows access to Location Services only when the app or one of its features is visible on screen. If an app is set to While Using the App, you might see your  status bar                           turn blue  with a message that an app is actively using your location.
                    d.  Always: Allows access to your location even when the app is in the background.

4. Synergy App using Location

        Q. How does user identify whether their device is actively using the location or not while using Synergy App?
         A . Geolocation icon always appears on top bar when application is actively using the location service

          Q. What happens if device does not have location service on or cannot get location?
           A . Device will prompt following message on the application

            When location is turned OFF – iOS device may also prompt following message at times

            Make sure location service is always ON and Synergy App is set to either Always ON or at least While using the App


    Synergy App supports recording data even during device being in OFFLINE mode (no data connectivity). See the list of conditions below


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