Synergy App setup screen allows setting up the functionality available on smart phone application.
General Settings:
1. Enable QR Scan -switch to turn option on/off
if enabled, smart phone will always need access to phone camera to scan QR Code for supported functions.
QR Code must be printed by location from Menu - Reports - Device/Location QR Code
2. Allow Transaction without Geolocation.
Default is OFF and location must be turned on and permission allowed on the phone to record mandatory location tags along with swipes
If switch turned ON - Location tag is no longer mandatory for swipes
3. Generate Exceptions for swipes without Geolocation
Switch ON/OFF depends on condition set for Point 2
4. Setup Synchronisation Period (Hours)
Application Sync time. Default 1 hour
5. Define Transaction Radius
Allows defining the radius for the swipes to be excepted by the system
If employee is outside the range, it will notify the employee on the application
6. Enable to confirm Popup Message
If turned ON, any popup message appearing on the smart phone will require user validation to click OK
If turned OFF, popup message will automatically disappear
7. Push Notification Schedule
Allows define the time for Push Notification on smart phone
If defined, it will prompt on phone reminding employees that they may have swipes waiting to be synced (if swipes were recorded during no data signal)
Icons and modules
Enable items as required for the project.

Certain items require additional modules to be enabled and setup
Employees Tab
Allows setting up the permit to use Synergy App depending on the no of user license bought!
Documents Security Tab
Allows defining the security for Documents (E-Filing) Module per Software Group
User Interface Tab
Allows uploading customer logo