TLW - SY Face 910 Webservice Firmware Error Table
If the clock Just says "Error" when you swipe nothing more check that the device has been added to the Syserverdll config file,
otherwise see table bellow.
July 2018
Note that the SY910
devices have now new message wording as follow.
Please see below the
different message and what each means –
Device Status
| Action
| Device message
| Message Colour
| Notes
| Frist swipe
(IN / OUT)
| “Employee Name”
| Green
| Swipe recorded in
| Double swipe
within 2 minutes
| Already Verified!
| Orange
| Swipe NOT recorded in TLW
| Swiping on wrong
device (not allocated)
| Invalid Punch by
| Red
| Swipe NOT recorded in TLW
| Frist swipe
(IN / OUT)
| “Employee Name”
Offline Punch
| Green
| Swipe will be
recorded in TLW as soon as the device sync with the server
| Double swipe
within 2 minutes
| Already Verified!
| Orange
| Swipe will NOT be recorded in TLW after sync
with server
| Swiping on Wrong
device (not allocated)
| “Employee Name”
Offline Punch
| Green
| Swipe will NOT be recorded in TLW after sync
with server
(this might be
confusing, but when the clock is offline it recognizes the face template and
captures it. Upon syncing, the server will decline the swipe and it won’t be
registered on TLW)
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