Global Scheduler

Global Scheduler

Allows user(s) to schedule employees globally with a desired date range

Screen allows scheduling:


      Allows scheduling single absence to multiple employees selected for the date range.


      Allows scheduling single adjustment to multiple employees selected for the date range.

      Periodic Templates (shift cycles)

      Allows scheduling periodic templates to multiple employees selected for the date range.
      It allows user to define custom period shift cycles as well
      Template can be scheduled either permanently or with date range defined

      Daily Templates (shifts)

      Allows scheduling periodic templates to multiple employees selected for the date range.

      Master Rota
      Allows user to copy and paste master defined rota of an individual employee for the future dates

      Copy Schedules

      Allows user to copy schedule from 1 employee to another with date range

      Multi Shift

      Allows user to schedule multi shift for each individual days.

      Max allowed 6 per day
Multi Shift feature must be setup and enabled

      Schedule Activity

      Allows scheduling activity for the date range and employees selected.
Activities module must be setup and enabled

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