Global Rounding Policy

Global Rounding Policy

System allows recording and calculating time to the minute to minute rounding time, according to your company policies, rounding of entrances and exits can all be defined separately.

Two different settings are used for defining the rules for rounding.

The rounding interval defines the target time interval to which hours worked will be rounded

The Cut-off point defines the break down point within the interval from which time will be rounded back and forward
Example 10/4 refers to a 10 minute interval and a 4 minute cut-off point

10 minute interval means the entrance times are always recorded as being divisible by 10, i.e. 09:00, 09:10, 09:20, 09:30, 09:40, 09:50, 10:00 etc.

The 4 min cut-off means that an entrance during the first 4 minutes of an interval will be rounded back to the previous entrance interval.

Thus, between 09:00 and 09:04, the entrance will be rounded back to 09:00, and all the other times 09:05 to 09:09 interval (09:05 - 09:09) will be rounded forward to 09:10

Click on icon to add Global Rounding Policy

User can also assign rounding policy by selecting daily templates from the list available

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