Flexi balance is a scheme where an organisation gives its employees the opportunity of flexible working hours and any extra hours worked over expected daily threshold will get accumulated towards flexi balance to which an employee can take time off in lieu.
Under flexi time, there is normally a core period of the day when employees must be at work (eg between 10 am and 4pm), whilst the rest of the working day is "flexi time", in which staff can choose when they work, subject to achieving total daily, weekly or monthly hours.
An employee must work between the basic core hours and has the flexibility to clock in / out between the other hours.
An example of a typical flexi time day is below:
Begin work between 0700 – 1000 (flexitime)
Must be there between 1000 – 1200 (core time)
Lunch break between 1200 – 1400 (flexible lunch hour)
Must be there from 1400 – 1600 (core time)
Leave between 1600 – 1900 (flexitime)
The hours worked outside these times are credited to flexi balance.
Flexi balance can be set in 2 ways within Synergy Workforce
1. Flexi balance with definable parameters in GUI
2. Flexi balance calculation by SQL script method (complex requirements)
Add Flexi Balance
Go to Menu - Work Rules - Flexi Balance
Click on icon to add Flexi Balance
By Fixed Rules - Allows defining the simpler rules
Pay categories for Bank Hrs (+/-) must be defined first within Menu - Work Rules - Pay Categories
By SQL Script - Allows defining complex rules
Once setup, assign it to the respective employees by going into Employees Tab
Track Flexi Balance
Go to Menu - Tracking - Track Flexi Balance
Track Flexi Balance screen will only show those employees who has flexi balance rules assigned.
Click on icon against the employee to see the details of flexi balance calculation
Balance B/F - Displays up to date balance brought forward
Exp. Hrs - Expected daily hours based on work rule definition
Total Hrs - Displays Employees total worked hours
Flexi Hrs - Update the figures in positive or negative based on worked hours
Balance C/F - Display new balance to carry forward
Lost Hrs - hours lost if not taken in lieu by end of period and based on flexi rule defined