1. Break Type - Select break type from drop down
2. Paid - Switch ON if the break is Paid. Switch OFF if Unpaid
3. Pay Category (if Paid selected) - Select Pay Category type of its paid
4. Break Transactions Required? - Switch ON if employees are expected to swipe for breaks. If ON and employees do not swipe for breaks that system will auto generate exception "No break swipes"
5. Deduct if no Transactions? - Enter minimum duration for break deduction (hh:mm) if required irrespective of break swipes.
6. Minimum Presences for Duration - Enter minimum presence for auto break deduction
7. Minimum Duration - Enter minimum duration required for break deduction
8. Expected Duration - Total expected duration for the break
9. Grace - Grace Period for the break
10. Break Durational Rounding - Total duration rounding
11. Break Durational Cut-off - Cut off period for total duration
12. Maximum Deduction (min) - Maximum allowed deduction
1. Allows rounding and cut off time for both Start and End Break. Allows user to set start, end break time set limits and break rounding’s, it also allows user to set Early break start, end, long break and short break exceptions.
2. Allows setting up exceptions to be generated based on parameters defined