Finding Biostar Device Mac address using Serial Number

Finding Biostar Device Mac address using Serial Number

Finding Biostar Device Mac address using Serial Number.

If you would like to find the device’s IP based on the MAC address you can follow the steps below.
1.Check your device ID written on the device label on the back of the device.
2.Change the device ID into hexadecimal numbers. One option is to use Windows’ Calculator.
3.Open Windows Calculator and press alt + 3 to change to the programmer’s calculator.
4.Select Dec and input the device ID.


5.Click Hex. Result is 20471BC5. This is going to be the latter half of the MAC address.


6.Check the MAC address chart below to see what the first half of the MAC address will be.
7. My device is an A2, so the MAC address will start with 00-17-FC-47-XX-XX.
8.Hence my MAC should be 00-17-FC-47-1B-C5.
9.Open a command prompt and type arp –a.
10.Search for the device’s MAC address on the list.

Suprema Device MAC Address Chart

Suprema devices have the same fixed hexadecimal digit for the first six digits.
The two digits after 00-17-FC are different based on the device model. Please refer to the chart below.

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