Event Types

Event Types

Events Types are actions items that appears on Event Screen.

Usually these include: Pass Accepted, Rejected Cards, Time zone Violations, Not Permitted etc.

There are different event types depending on the control hardware in use.

Add Event

Click on the icon to add Event and fill in the respective parameters as required

      General Tab

            Description - This is how the system will refer to the event type.
            Event type - is a list of codes generated by the hardware and the user can select from the drop down box for the appropriate hardware type.
            Enabled - when ticked the event is active.
            Is Error-  (display as error category)
            Card Range – lets you restrict the event to a series or single card used.
            Operator response time – sets a time limit for a response to the event.

      Indication Tab

            Presentation Colour - The colour used on the guard screen.
            Sound – Audible indication when guard screen is open.
            Popup Message – Message to be displayed on event in the guard screen.
            Employee Popup – Displays the details of the person that just swiped on guard screen (online only)
      Alerts Tab

            Alerts interface with SMS servers or emails to send notifications outside of the guard screen
            Send SMS – using an SMS server alert a list of subscribed users.
            E-mail – Send email notification via web.
            Text Added to the Body Message: - Compose your text to accompany the event description.
            Mail To – Recipients list.
      Operator Instructions Tab
      A text box where instructions can be left for the person using the guard screen such as “Detain and remove Credentials” for when an ex employee attempts to re-enter the premises.
Edit Events

      Click on icon against the Event to edit parameters

Delete Events

      Click on  icon against the Event to delete 

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