ER2 FireReport not Printing to a Printer

ER2 FireReport not Printing to a Printer

Fire Report not printing to a physical printer If the FirereportPrinting Crashes:

1. This could be because the terminals that it is trying to open on Access control are not Access Control terminals or the SynDll.exe is not current
2. Add the terminals to the Always closed list in the config.

Fire Report not printing to a physical printer :
This is when the Fire report appears to run but the report does not actually print to the physical printer selected in the settings.
The html version of the report however, does get created in the specified folder.

Solution: The printing of the report is handled by a small .exe file called Printhtml.exe which resides in the SyncMaster folder.

On windows systems before Vista and Server 2008 there is a supporting component that * needs to be installed in order for the printhtml to work, It is called DhtmlEd.msi Synel UK Ltd EduReg2 User Manual - Page 172 of 176 DHTML Editing Control for Applications is a redistributable component that is available for Windows Vista to enable compatibility for MS Access 2003, and other applications which previously relied on this control in Windows XP and Windows 2003. This is also provided in the SyncMaster folder from installation of SyncMaster. Click DhtmlEd.msi to install it onto the system and the Fire Report should now print. Firereport Printing to LocalSystem Account Default Printer If the Firereport will only print to the Local System account Default Printer check the following registry key to find the default printer and change to the required one. LOCAL SYSTEM ACCOUNT HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-18\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows Device HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-18\Printers DeviceOld CURRENT USERS ACCOUNT HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows Device HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Printers DeviceOld