Emergency Door Control and Adam Fire Link
Door Control
Door Control allows users to trigger "Open, lock or normal" behaviour of the door.
This can be triggered for individual or multiple selected doors.
By default, the screen display the current status of the door.
Adam Fire Link
Adam Fire Link allows for All doors to be opened during an event of emergency.
It is an Ethernet device linked directly with Building Fire Panel listening to signal constantly
If set, it also triggers automated email of the Fire Report to be sent to one or more specified email addresses without the need for user intervention.
The Username is root the password is 00000000.
Polling interval - How often to check the device for an alarm signal in seconds default is 60 so as not to overload the device.
Normal Value – 1 for normal any other returned value triggers the report.
Receiver Email Address – one or more emails separated by a “,”
Email Text – The body of the email that will accompany the report.
After the Adam link is triggered, the user must remember to send “Doors to Normal” to reset the access control system once the All Clear is given.
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