Daily Templates (Shifts) - General + Fixed Start/End

Daily Templates (Shifts) - General + Fixed Start/End

Daily Templates simplify the process of defining daily work schedules and pay period calculations.

Each template consists of a different combination of definition fields.

Some of the definition fields contain a drop-down list where additional information can be viewed, thus allowing you to fine-tune your work rule definitions.

Add Daily Template
      Click on  icon to add Daily Template

  1. Code - Press CTRL + F2 key on keyboard to allocate next available code automatically
  2. Short Name - Give a short name and select default colour from the colour palette
  3. Description - Describe daily template name
  4. Template Type - Select template type from the drop down list
  5. Active - By Default Switch is ON. Switch OFF is you want to make the template Inactive
  6. Department - Select department from the drop down list
If template assigned to particular Department then template will be available and visible only if the User has permission to the respective Department
      7. Cost Centre - Select Cost centre from the drop down list
If template assigned to particular Cost Centre then template will be available and visible only if the User has permission to the respective Cost Centre
Further, Daily Template is divided into the following sections:
  1. IN/OUT
  2. Break Parameters
  3. Calculation (General)
  4. Calculation (Rounding Policy)
  5. Daily Calculation order
  6. Miscellaneous
  7. SQL Statement
 All below example is based on Daily Template Type - Fixed Start and End 

      Section 1: IN/OUT Parameters

            1. IN - Specify Shift Start Time
            2. OUT - Specify Shift End Time
            3. IN Limits (Min) - Enter IN limits in minutes
For example, if the value is set to 0, any transactions before the shift start time will be rounded to its original shift start time
If the value is set to 1 then system will take all every minute into account.
If the value is set to 15 then system will disregard any time within 15 min threshold but include anything outside 15
            4. OUT Limits (Min) - Enter OUT limits in minutes
For example, if the value is set to 0, any transactions before the shift start time will be rounded to its original shift start time.
If the value is set to 1 then system will take all every minute into account.
If the value is set to 15 then system will disregard any time within 15 min threshold but include anything outside 15
            5. IN Calc.After - Calculate time only after xx:xx
Earliest time system should start calculating from
Example Shift 06:00 - 14:00. If the value set is to 04:00 in Earliest Time then system will include all the transaction occurring after 04:00 but disregard anything before
            6. OUT Calc.Before - Calculate time only before xx:xx                                                                                                 
Latest time system should start calculating from
Example Shift 06:00 - 14:00. If the value set is to 16:00 in Latest Time then system will include all the transaction occurring up to 16:00 but disregard anything after

            1. Calculated Duration - System calculates total duration automatically based on start and end time of the shift
            2. Entry Exception (min)
                           Anything before the Start Time and End Time will get Rounded to its Original Start and End Time.
                           Start Time = clocking’s between 06:00 to xxx – No exceptions, Time deduction
                           End Time = clocking’s between 11:00 to xxx – No Exception, Time deduction
                           Anything before the Start Time and End Time will get Rounded to its Original Start and End Time.
                           Start Time = clocking’s between 06:00 to xxx – No exceptions, Time deduction
                           End Time = clocking’s between 11:00 to xxx – No Exception, Time deduction
                           If Entry/Exit Exceptions is set to 5 – system will flag up Exception and deduction
                          Anything before the Start Time and End Time will get Rounded to its Original Start and End Time.
                          If the Entry & Exit exception is set to 5
                          Start Time = clocking’s between 06:01 to 06:04 – No exceptions, No deduction
                          Start Time = 06:05 – Exception and deduct 0 min
                          Start Time >= 06:06 – Exception and deduction. 6:06= 1 min deduct, 06:07 = 2 min deduct, 06:10 = 5 min deduct and so on
                          End Time = clocking’s between 10:56 to 11:00 – No Exception, No deduction
                          End Time = 11:05 – Exception and deduct 0 min
                          End Time = anything =<10:54 – Exception and deduction. 10:54= 1 min deduct, 10:53 = 2 min deduct, 10:50 = 5 min deduct and so on
                          Anything before the Start Time and End Time will get Rounded to its Original Start and End Time.
                          If the Entry & Exit exception is set to 5
                          Start Time = clocking’s between 06:01 to 06:05 – No exceptions, Time deduction.
                          Start Time = clocking’s => 06:06 – Exception and deduction
                          End Time = clocking’s between 10:55 to 11:00 – No Exception, Time deduction.
                          End Time = clocking’s =<10:54 – Exception and deduction

            3. Exit Exception (min)
                        OUT is 18:00. Values is 5.
                        None – If departing at 17:54, exception and deduct 6 minutes. If departing at 17:55, exception and deduct 5 minutes. If at 17:56, no exception and deduct 4 minutes.

     Absolute - If departing at 17:54, exception and deduct 6 minutes. If departing at 17:55, exception and deduct 5 minutes. If at 17:56, no exception and DO NOT deduct 4 minutes.

     Relative - If departing at 17:54, exception and deduct 1 minutes. If departing at 17:55, exception and deduct 0 minutes. If at 17:56, no exception and DO NOT deduct 4 minutes.

     Anticipation – create exception if NOT departing between 18:00 + X. If leaving early deduct according to b (None). 

            1. Early Entry Exception - For example, if the value is set to 15, and if an employee clocks IN 15 mins before the shift start time, system will flag up "Early Entry’’ Yellow exception
            2. Early Exit Exception - For example, if the value is set to 15, and if an employee clocks OUT 15 mins before the shift End time, system will flag up "Early Exit’’ Yellow exception
            3. Late Entry Exception - For example, if the value is set to 15, and if an employee clocks IN 15 mins after the shift start time, system will flag up "Late Entry’’ Yellow exception
            4. Late Exit Exception - For example, if the value is set to 15, and if an employee clocks OUT 15 mins after the shift start time, system will flag up "Late Exit’’ Yellow exception
      Section 2: Break Parameters

            User can assign break type that can be either deducted automatically or based on their employees clocking IN/OUT for breaks.

            Break Parameters for: Fixed Start/End, Fixed Start/End with breaks, Variable Start/End and Variable Start/End with Breaks.

            1. If swiped, minimum duration to deduct - Enter minimum duration for break deduction (hh:mm)
            2. Break Swipes Mandatory? - Switch it ON if employees are required to clock IN/OUT for breaks
            3. Deduct if no Transactions - Minimum duration for break deduction (hh:mm) irrespective of break swipes.
            4. Minimum presence required for break deduction - insert time in hh:mm for auto break deduction to occur if present for x amount of hours in a day
            5. Automatic break deduction - Switch on if breaks are to be auto deducted
            6. Delta Breaks (min) - Set Delta Break value
            7. Break Half Day - Select break type for 1st half day
            8. Break Half Day - Select break type for 2nd half day

      Section 3: Calculation (General)

            1. Expected Duration - Expected duration of the shift (Gross hrs) minus the break time = Net Hrs
            2. First Half Day - First half of the expected net hrs
            3. Second Half Day - Second half of the expected net hrs
            4. Exception "Expected Hrs Exceeded" if Hrs> - System will flag an exception if hours specified in the field are exceeded
            5. Maximum Daily Net Hrs Allowance - Maximum amount of hours that employee can work and be paid for the day 
            6. Exception "Short Day" if Hrs < - System will flag an exception if the hours specified in the box are not covered
            7. Credit/Debit if present full day - Additional hours can be debited/credited for full day’s work based on the conditions
            8. Credit/Debit if present Half Day - Additional hours can be debited/credited for half day’s work based on the conditions
      Section 4: Calculation (Rounding Policy)

            For example if an employee arrives during the first 2 minutes of any quarter of an hour, they are paid from the beginning of that quarter.
            If they arrive three minutes late or later, they are only paid from the start of the next quarter (so they lose 15 minutes pay).
            Grace in or out is the number of minutes late that an employee can clock in late or out early and their clocking is still assumed to be at the start or end of the quarter in which the clocking occurs. 
            Similarly rounding can be applied for Net attendance for the whole day instead 
      Section 5: Daily Calculation Order

           User can set daily calculation in time bands/ hours

           Daily Calculation order in Time Bands:

                  For example, Hours between 08:00-16:00 will be paid as basic and hours from 16:01-18:00 will be paid as OT150, tick days to apply time band calculation.

            Daily Calculation order in Hours:

                 For example, first 8 hours of the day is paid as Basic and anything above is paid as OT150, tick days to apply daily calculation in hours.
      Section 6: Miscellaneous

            1. Minimum Durations for Reward - Minimum duration required for the reward (based on the conditions set in daily template)
            2, Hours Distribution Day/Night - Distribution of hours worked between Day and Night time calculation (generally set to Day and Night hours)
            3. Night Shift End Time - Specify the night shift end time for overnight shifts
            4. Allocate Transactions to previous/next day -  Specify the maximum number of hours’ employee is excepted to work for Night Shifts.
            5. Generate blocking exceptions if there are swipes - Usually applicable to Open Shift only. Turn on if required
            6. Allow no transactions: Usually applicable to Open Shift only. Turn on if required
            7. Count full day absence as half day : Switch it ON to calculate full day absence as half day
            8. At least one swipe : Click to allow minimum of one swipe
            9 . Treat as Master Daily template : Default is always ON.
            10. Show Code for Weekly Schedules Report - Turn ON if you want to show the template code in Schedule report 
            11. Offset Transaction to Next day - Switch on if you prefer shift timings for today appears as tomorrow in the reports
            12. Create Negative Balance if odd no of transactions - Switch it on if you want to penalise the employees for not swiping correctly and to affect their balance calculation
            13. Generate "No Swipes" exception on Absence - Turn it on if employees are expected to swipe even when they are on Absence 
      Section 7: SQL Scripts

            Section reserved for customised calculation based on customer requirement.

            Contact Synel Representative for further information

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