Daily Details

Daily Details

Daily Detail screen, allows user(s) to add/delete/modify transactions on a daily basis.

Users can filter Daily details by departments, employee name, number or badge numbers.

User can even include leavers and Inactive employees in the list if required.

By clicking on Edit icon against the employee, user can see full visibility of all the calculation happening for the date and employee selected

1. Search Option and employee selection

     Allows users to filter employees and select the employee to view their detailed calculation on right hand side

2. Date field
    User can select/change the date by clicking the calendar icon.

3. Exception
    Allows user to authorise exception 1 at a time

4. Schedule

    Displays and allows user to change the shift per day. 

5. Transactions

     Displays the actual swipes performed by employee. It also calculates the lateness.

     Allows user to add/edit swipes if required. (Manual transaction inserted will be indicated with* against it)

6. Adjustments

    Allows user to make adjustment to the daily calculation in both decimal and hh:mm format

7. Absences

   Allows user to book absence for the day 

8. Notes and Comments

   Allows user to add notes for the day.

9. Breaks 

    Displays break transactions.

    Allows user to add/edit break transactions if required. (Manual transaction inserted will be indicated with* against it)

10. Activities

Additional Module "Time Costing" required!

      Displays activity transactions 

        Allows user to add/edit activity transactions if required.  (Manual transaction inserted will be indicated with* against it)

11. Balance and Calculation

      Calculated and displayed automatically based on swipes

12. Pay Categories 

       Displays daily net hours into various pay categories based on the shift rule defined


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