Daily Browser

Daily Browser

Single screen allowing user(s) to add/delete/modify multiple transactions on multiple days at the same time

It also allows users to make multiple adjustments, approve exceptions and book absences.

1.  Filter options:

  1. Search by department, name, no, badge number, etc..
  2. Filter by Date Range
  3. Display all or working days only. show exceptions by type
  4. Filter by daily template and cost centre
  5. Option to include/exclude leavers and inactive employees
2. Icons on the right hand top corner

  1. Globe icon - Allows users to navigate to Global Scheduler and perform action globally
  2. Setting icon - allows user to enable/disable columns and absences 
  3. Shortcut icon -  Faster way of allowing user to navigate to another screen without going into system menu.
3. Transactions

  1. User can view/add/edit swipes performed by employees on individual days.

      b. Allows user to change daily template (Shift) if required for each day and recalculate the day again.

      c. User can amend the existing or missing swipes if required. Swipes inserted manually are denoted by * in the box

      d. User can add additional transactions if required by clicking on + icon for each individual days

      e.  Exceptions for each day. User can authorise the exception as well if required.


      f. Columns displaying  Exp. Hrs, Gross Hrs, Net Hrs and Difference calculated based on employee transactions.

      g.  Allows users to make adjustments and book absences for each day 

      h. Allows adding notes and comments for each individual day if required

      i.  Displays net hrs split into various pay categories defined

      j. Cost Centre - swipes are automatically allocated to cost centre based on settings defined in the system. User can also override the cost centre for the pair of swipe if required.
Cost Centre module must be enabled and setup in the system first!

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