Card rejects on Suprema Reader as Unknown card but Matches name on Event screen and is being sent to the device in the logs.

Card rejects on Suprema Reader as Unknown card but Matches name on Event screen and is being sent to the device in the logs.

If you have a situation where a card you can see in the suprema device log as having been uploaded for a valid employee rejects as Unknown on events with error code 151
check this log for the string that actually comes from the reader

C:\horio-newlook\Install\Logs\SupremaBioliteNew\General\DOORNAME  (replace in path with current client details this is just an example)

the line uploading the card expected looks like this
2024-01-18 16:36:31.5414 Info - SyncTemplates [14]: Sending new templates to terminal started
2024-01-18 16:36:31.5414 Info - SyncTemplates [14]: Person data found for 0000000001: Person ID: 666; Fingerprints: 0; Face: 0; Cards: 1420405821; PIN: 1234567890; SG: 1
2024-01-18 16:36:31.5414 Info - SyncTemplates [14]: Templates to sync to device: 1​

Now look in C:\horio-newlook\Install\Logs\SupremaBioliteNew\CUSTOMER\DOORNAME  (replace in path with current client details this is just an example)
find the swipe coming back from the reader and count the number of digits after the transaction code
2024-01-18 16:33:43.3991 Info - GetEvents [13]: Processing AccessControl buffer 999.037.000.005 d5099999180124F1511420405821163341: (-1) Count Clock Processed: 1

See that the code if F151 (Unknown Card) marked in green
The Badge number follows marked in red, and is in this instance is 16 digits long.
the length of badge number is controlled by the CARD not the software or the reader. Cards must be encoded with a 10 digit number anything over 10 will not match the 10 digits uploaded and will fail at the point of hardware match. but because the transaction only sends 10 digits the name may still appear to match in Events.

So always check the raw data buffer and not the swipes log when a card you believe is loaded to a door rejects as unknown as it may not be sending the number you expect!
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