Customer reported that although they were swiping for their breaks at a Swipe & Go Synergy Terminal to deduct breaks TLW also auto deducted the break as if no swipe.
App Properties has Used the Transaction code 3 for S&G in the Synergy Logs.
24/09/2020 12:49:37.211625 - CRSendTransaction - [999.009.000.001-1] - id: 0027044876, utcTime: 24/09/2020 12:49:33, FunctionCode: 3, InputCode: 1, Online: 1, Budget: , subBudget: , Restaurant: , Image: , ServiceType: Data, KeyCode: , DailyCounter: , MonthlyCounter: , Amount: , Quantity: , oper: || ClientId: 999.009.000.001
24/09/2020 12:49:37.211625 - CRSendTransaction - [999.009.000.001-1] - Registration buffer (data): 999.009.000.001 d1154321200924V50000270448761249
24/09/2020 12:49:37.431239 - CRSendTransaction - [999.009.000.001-1] - Done. Status: 1, Processing result: Carolyn Afaleq , Duration: 00:00:00.2294867
24/09/2020 12:49:37.431239 - CRSendTransaction - [999.009.000.001-1] - Status was changed to 1 due to service configuration
Then check the GUI under Seyup>>Options>> Processing