how to configure Synegy Workforce to Allocate Swipe to previous date

how to configure Synegy Workforce to Allocate Swipe to previous date

AHR 0000-0830 has the following night shift configuration

Graphical user interface, application, WordDescription automatically generated


"Allocate Transactions to Previous/Next Day" works as follows:

Given the swipe on 04/02/2023 00:04

When there are no swipes for 04/02/2023

When there is a swipe on 03/02/2023

When Allocate Transactions to Previous/Next Day is set for daily template on  03/02/2023


  1. time of first swipe on 03/02/2023 will be taken 
  2. time of current swipe (04/02/2023 00:04) will be compared to first swipe on 03/02/2023 + value Allocate Transactions to Previous/Next Day
  3. if in the range, then 04/02/2023 00:04 will be allocated to 03/02/2023 


Existing Swipes:

03/02/2023 22:00

03/02/2023 23:30

03/02/2023 23:45

Allocate Transactions to Previous/Next Day for daily template on 03/02/2023 is 14:00

new swipe:

04/02/2023 00:04


03/02/2023 22:00 + 14:00 = 04/02/2023 12:00

04/02/2023 12:00 > 04/02/2023 00:04

04/02/2023 00:04 will be allocated to 03/02/2023

in the current case, there were no swipes on 03/02/2023. Therefore, swipe was allocated on the same date.

To make the provided example work for the customer, Night Shift End Time should be used.

Night Shift End Time works as follows:

Given the swipe on 04/02/2023 00:04

When Night Shift End Time set for daily template on 03/02/2023


  1. No matter if there are any swipes on 03/02/2023 or 04/02/2023
  2. if time of swipe on 04/02/2023 is less than Night Shift End Time on 03/02/2023
  3. swipe will be allocated to 03/02/2023


Night Shift End Time for daily template on 03/02/2023 is 14:00

new swipe:

04/02/2023 00:04


00:04 < 14:00 

04/02/2023 00:04 will be allocated to 03/02/2023

Please advise the customer to adjust the configuration (use Night Shift End Time instead of Allocate Transactions to Previous/Next Day) and add the given examples to KB. 


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