Add Employee

Add Employee

Click on   icon to add new employee within Personnel screen 

General Tab

      1. Emp. No - Unique Employee number (can contain both Alphanumeric, max 10 characters)            

Mandatory Field
      2. Badge No -  Badge number of an employee (numeric only, max 10 digits)

Mandatory Field
Badge number is used to enrol the Finger/Face template of an employee on the device. It is recommended to keep employee and badge no to be same.
      3. Not Expected to swipe - (optional) Switch on if required
Applicable to those employees who do not swipe IN/OUT but would like to auto generate their time sheet.
If ticked, system will automatically fill in the time-sheets based on scheduled time defined for the employee.
If employee swipes IN/OUT on any devices or Virtual Terminal or SYQR application, system will discard the time and it will not appear in time sheets.
      4. First Name - Given f irst name of an employee
Mandatory Field
      5. Last Name - Given last name of an employee
Mandatory Field
      6. Short Name - Short or nick name of an employee (Optional).
Short name is visible within Graphical Scheduler if enabled.
      7. Department - Select associated department of an employee from drop down list
If the list appears blank or missing information, corresponding departments must be created first. Refer to section Departments  for further information! 
      8. Contract - Assign the relevant contract to the employee.
It can be both optional or made mandatory field as required. Changes can be made from the Menu - System setup - options - user interface - Personnel settings section
If the list appears blank or missing information, corresponding contracts must be created first. Refer to section Contracts for further information!
      9. Start Date - Employment Start date
Mandatory Field
      10. Active - Active Switch 
By default its switched on when adding employee, however the option is used when marking an employee as Inactive in the system  for further information !
      11. Leave Reason - Used when employee is leaving. select the appropriate reason from down.
If the list appears blank or missing information, corresponding Leave Reasons must be created first. Refer to section Leave Reasons  for further information!
      12. Leave Date - Insert leave date of an employee

      13.  Upload Image -  Add employee picture.

Schedules Tab

      Allows scheduling work cycle of an employee
Periodic Template must exist within system.

      Select periodic template relevant to employee from available drop down list for each week

      Example 1:
      Employee work cycle = Mon-­Fri 06:00-14:00; every other week follows the same pattern.

      Example 2:
      Employee work cycle = rotation every 2 weeks

      Similarly employee can have various different combinations for up to 8 weeks.

Custom Fields Tab

      Optional screen if needed to store additional information related to the employee
User(s) can create more custom fields as required. Refer to Custom Fields Section for further information!

Additional Settings Tab

      Optional features that allows users to setup values against the employees

      Define Statutory Holiday Group - Allows employee to be part of Statutory Group created within the system
Statutory Holidays and Groups are created within Menu - Work Rules - Statutory Holidays.
       Default Activity and Activity Group - Allows defining their default activities and groups created within system
Additional module called "Time Costing" must be enabled and setup before you can assign the values
       Default Cost Centre Group - Allows defaulting cost centre to the employee for the costing purpose
Cost Centres must exist in the system. Refer to section Cost Centre for further information!
       Default Flexi Balance - Allows allocating Flexi Balance to the employee
Flexi Balance Rules must exists within system. This can be done within Menu - Work Rules - Flexi Balance.
       Pin Code - Allows allocating unique Pin number to the employees. Alternative method used for clocking IN/OUT on certain device types

      Contact Email Address - Employee email address. In use when sending out notification emails to the employees.

      Contact Phone number - Not in use.

      WTD Opt. OUT? and WTD HRS - Working Time Directive Information (Optional)

      Virtual Clocking -  Define employee access to Virtual Clocking.
Virtual Clocking License must be applied before using it. License also comes with user limitations.
      Synergy App -  Define employee access to Synergy App.
Synergy App License must be applied before using it. License also comes with user limitations.
      Synergy Face Admin - Allows declaring employee as an administrator of Synergy Face devices

      Synergy Face Admin Auth. mode - Options for Administrator identification on Synergy Face devices

      Synergy Face Employee Auth. mode -  Options for employee identification on Synergy Face devices

      Synergy Home Admin -  Allows declaring employee as an administrator of Synergy Home devices

      Absence Manager -  Allows declaring employee as an Absence Manager in the system
      Deputy Absence Manager -  Allows declaring employee as Deputy Absence Manager in the system
Absence and Deputy Absence Managers are required to be setup  and allocated to their respective employees if using Full Absence Management system. Refer to Absence Management section for further information1
      Notification Manager -  Allows declaring employee as Notification Manager in the system
Notification Managers are required to be setup  and allocated to their respective employees if you prefer system to send email notifications for the respective employees. Refer to Notification Settings section for further information!
       Expense Approval Manager - Allows declaring employee as Expense Approval Manager in the system
      Expense Payment Manager -  Allows declaring employee as Expense Payment Manager in the system
Expense Approval and Payment Managers are required to be setup and allocated to their respective employees if additional module Expense Management is enabled and set. Refer to Expense Management section for further information!
       Fire Marshal - Allows declaring employee as a Fire Marshal in the system
Fire Marshals are required to be setup and allocated to their respective employees if you prefer to print both Attendance and Fire Report (Access Control) grouped by Fire Marshals!
       Manual Timesheet Manager
Manual Timesheet approval managers are required to be setup and allocated to their respective employees when they are submitting manually filled electronic timesheet. Refer to Manual Timesheet section for further information!

Device Allocation Tab

      Optional features that allows users to restrict employee swiping IN/OUT on a particular devices
      Available Devices: The list of available devices.
      Permitted Device: The list of the devices the employee can use. 
      If there is nothing selected within Permitted Device, employee has access to all devices available

Absence Manager Tab

      Optional feature that allows organisation managing their absences and the balances within Synergy Workforce.
      Employee will gain access to Employee Self Service Portal allowing them to request absences (Holiday) through Synergy Workforce.
      Managers get notified via email for every absence request made by employee.
      Managers have option to either authorise or reject employee request via Absence Authorise Screen
      All above removes the need of handling absences manually within organisation.

Expense Manager Tab

      Allows defining expense and payment manager for approval/reject of a claim submitted
Additional Module Expense management must be enabled and setup as required

Notification Manager Tab

      Allows defining notification manager to the employee.
      System can be set with various notification that gets sent dynamically to the respective managers 

Line Manager Tab

      Allows defining line manager to the employee within system who will manage and approve the timesheets
Line managers must be setup via Menu - System Setup - Software Security 
Pay Rates Tab

      Optional feature that allows calculating cost based on hours worked by an employee.
      Pay Rates can be defined as fixed for each days or can be defined by Pay Categories Group
      Cost can be split by payment categories of an employee either on daily basis or weekly contractual basis
Pay Categories Rates can be defined with Menu - Work rules - Pay Rate Group
AC Security Groups Tab

      Allows User to assign Access Control Security Group policies towards employee.
Access Control Module must be enabled and set to use the above feature. Refer to Access Control section for further information!

Preferred Position Tab

      Allows defining the preferred position for an employee when using advance scheduling i.e. Resource Scheduling.
Advance scheduling must be enabled and setup. Refer to Advance Scheduling section for further information!

Qualification Tab

      Allows defining the qualification for an employee when using advance scheduling i.e. Resource Scheduling.
Advance scheduling must be enabled and setup. Refer to Advance Scheduling section for further information!

Master Daily Template Tab

      Allows defining the master daily template to the employee.
      Master Daily Templates are created within Menu - Work Rules - Master Daily Templates
Refer to Master Daily Template section for further information!

Fire Marshal Tab

      Allows defining Fire Marshals for the employee

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